Wednesday, March 6, 2013

What's risky

What's risky when you have a child (or two, like I have my two girls):

- take a nap without making sure that they are asleep too: Aurelia (6 years old) may get a brilliant idea to prepare some pancakes for your breakfast by mixing flour, baking soda, sugar, salt, nutella, jelly, milk and ketchup in one bowl. If you don't want to risk her disappointment, you'll have to fry it and, worse, try it (actually it wasn't THAT bad);

- keep playing Plants vs Zombies when it's quiet at home; actually every silence at home is very dangerous, Bimbosia (2 years old) is probably eating your lipstick or hamster's food;

- leave Bimbosia with a bowl of coleslaw, she will probably put it in the pot of chicken soup (taste at least strange..);

 - tell Aurelia that you would like to lose weight; a few weeks later she may tell you that your diet doesn’t really work. “you’re not getting slim, mummy, you still fit in the same jeans, don’t you?”;

 - invite Aurelia to do 1000 pieces puzzles with you. There is a risk that she’s better than you (really painful, if you love puzzles and you thought that youe are a master of it);

 - hug your husband. You may hear “Stop doing this, otherwise you’ll make more children”. 

Welcome to my crazy world :)


  1. This is GREAT stuff! Kind of rings a bell - when my twin girls were little ;) I can't wait for more!

  2. Thanks :) There will be more :)

  3. That's so funny what you have written! I can't wait to have my own children :) Even if they sometimes put their fathers through the wringer, it has to be great :)
